ADHD Coaching
There’s a common saying in ADHD circles: pills don’t teach skill.
That is to say that meds, or any of the other physiological interventions (mindfulness training, neurofeedback, exercise, sleep hygiene, supplements, diet considerations, etc.) may have a positive effect on many of your symptoms across the board, but they will not change many of the learned behavioral issues that create the most disruption in your life.

Physiological interventions often make it so that you are simply able to change the disruptive behaviors. Emotional regulation, attention stability, inhibition, impulse control and cognitive flexibility are among the traits that most readily benefit from pure psychological intervention. But self-starting, planning, organization, self-monitoring & guiding, and working memory deficits often languish without “learning the skills” in the ways the ADHD brain needs to learn them.
ADHD Coaching often requires a specific order of actions taken. At Tenafly EFS we perform a detailed assessment of executive function deficits and come up with a custom plan for the individual that considers the needs of the ADHD brain. Make no mistake, we wholeheartedly support the need to address ADHD physiologically. But by identifying and working together on those critically lacking skills and behaviors that create the most disruption in your life, most of the rest of your ADHD symptoms can and will improve.
ADHD Skills & Strategies
Develop effective strategies for overcoming procrastination without over-relying on erratic self-motivation.
Begin to hone the skills of self-monitoring and managing your life with intentionality and clear vision.
Learn how to account for “time blindness”, how plan your time effectively so that you can be more productive when you need to be without feeling like your life is over-regimented.
Master the skill of breaking down large, overwhelming tasks or projects in your life into manageable parts and steps.
Develop your ability to quickly prioritize and make decisions in the face of complicated or overwhelming options.
Start to identify those moments or situations that provoke negative impulsive behavior and begin to cultivate more intentional responses.
​Learn to hear the pervasive and often subtle destructive negative voices we erroneously come to rely on for self-discipline and learn to strengthen the internal voices of balance, encouragement and grace.